I’m really not sure what to post this week because it is the fifth Friday of the month. When I started this blog, I had a solid plan for four Fridays in a month.
First, one of the stories that holds a special place in my heart from my trips to Israel. Second, a fun story about food. Third, how things are going with my writing, especially about my book(s) about the birth of Jesus called Jesus Gets Hand-Me-Downs. And fourth, a special item for sale in Israel. But I wasn’t sure about the fifth Friday and I’m still not.
One suggestion is to do a give-away box of some of the interesting items from Israel, but I don’t have that possibility put together, largely due to cost. Another idea is to create some of my short stories, framed and suitable for hanging.
I’m still working on other ideas so I’m open to suggestions. Please send me your ideas and I’ll come up with a special gift for the originator of any I use.