An update on my writing.
After a month of NaNoWriMo, I’m back to work on Jesus Gets Hand-Me-Downs, the story of the shepherd children bringing the Christ Child gifts.
Last Saturday, I had the wonderful opportunity to take pictures at the dress rehearsal of a children’s Christmas Program to use as the working cover for the first book of the Jesus Gets Hand-Me-Downs series.
If I had written this two days ago, I would have told you about the fun of working on this book for children and the sequel to Shattered Trust, my second in the series, at the same time.
But that changed yesterday. I had lunch with a dear writing friend. Over lunch, we thought up and developed the storyline and several fun details to include in the third book about Logan Taul and Margaret Martin. so, I’m now working on a set of children’s books (Jesus Gets Hand-Me-Downs), the sequel to Shattered Trust with a working title of Healing Shards, and the sequel to Healing Shards.
I really need to find something to do in my spare time (she said sarcastically).