Category: Impressions of Israel, Memories, My Heart
Thank you in Hebrew is toda raba (toe-DAH ruh-BAH). Most of our trips to Israel were with the Israeli Celebration Dancers. At that time, our daughter was a member of this group from northern Colorado. On one trip, they went to a store in an ultra-orthodox area of Jerusalem called Mea Shearim. One of the problems with my going on a trip with dancers is my own physical condition. Being overweight and not in good
A Busy Week of Writing
Category: Writing
November month is NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month. It is a worldwide challenge to write a 50,000-word novel during November.The concept is to put the story running around in your head on paper (or computer) without editing or judging that story. I am feeling proud of myself since, as of this morning, I have written 34,628 words. In December, I can start editing the story. With the working title of Healing Shards, my story
The Yad Vashem Memorial Pin One of my most treasured purchases in Israel is this Yad Vashem Memorial Pin because it has so many deep meanings and memories. Yad Vashem is Israel’s official memorial to all who died in the Holocaust. The Jews who died are remembered as are the Gentiles who helped them in the fight against Nazi Germany. The blurb inside the packaging says “The barbed wire stem recalls the pain and trauma
The Upper Room
Category: Impressions of Israel, Memories
As I’m writing these blogs, my goal is to share not only the things and places I’ve seen on my trips to Israel but also to share the emotions and thoughts about my faith that came with those sights. Visiting the place archeologists have determined to be the Upper Room sent me to do a lot of research. We learn about this room and events in Matthew 26:1-29, Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:7-38, and John 13:1-38.
I’m really not sure what to post this week because it is the fifth Friday of the month. When I started this blog, I had a solid plan for four Fridays in a month. First, one of the stories that holds a special place in my heart from my trips to Israel. Second, a fun story about food. Third, how things are going with my writing, especially about my book(s) about the birth of Jesus