I’m packing at the same time as I’m trying to meet all of my “end-of-the-school-year” deadlines/activities. We are getting ready for a month-long road trip. It reminds me of packing to go to Israel. Making all the decisions about what to pack and what not to pack. What can I get on the way when I need it? I’m making those kinds of decisions as I prepare for the road trip.
This picture of the Garden of Gethsemane caught my eye while working on another project.
Our month-long trip includes 5 days at a writing conference (https://colorado.writehisanswer.com/). That is the only time we have planned. The remaining trip includes visiting family, but there are no specific plans.
This is the first time I’ve been able to take a trip like this.
As I look at this picture, I see things that are obvious, like the walls, the arches, and the flowers. They are obvious as the 5 scheduled days are obvious. But there is a lot that is not clear. What are activities hiding in the nooks and crannies? Where will we go? What will we do? Roy and I will find the answers over the next month. I’ll share the answers in my blog on the first Friday of June.
It is the fourth Friday of the month, and I’m still focused on my writing. Today is a wonderful celebration of my writing.
For the first time since I took time away from my normal routine to be one of the caregivers for my mother around 3 years ago.
I tried to keep writing, but it became harder and harder. All the emotions of those years caused my writing and creativity became less and less. There were times I thought I would never write again.
My mother went to be with the Lord on the 4th of July. Since that time I’ve fought to bring back my writing.
This morning that all changed. I woke this morning with words and sentences in my head. I got up, sat at the computer, and typed in 685 words. The words flowed easily.
I’m celebrating the feeling of being a real writer again. I’m heading to the Write His Answer Conference feeling like I really belong as a writer.
I’d love to have you join me at the conference. You can find the information by clicking here.
It’s that time of year. The time when many activities are ending for the summer with special activities. And, for me, multiple writing activities.
I spent last Friday and Saturday at the Write In The Springs conference hosted by the Colorado Springs American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) group. It was held at Glen Eyrie. I came home excited about what I wanted to do to improve the book I am working on.
I am on staff for the Write His Answer Conference on May 11-14.
I also lead a Write His Answer Bible Study every week. Members of this study are asking questions about the conference, and this week I’m answering some of these questions.
“I’m just a beginner and don’t even have a book written. Why should I attend?”
There is a lot more involved in writing a book than most people, especially beginners, know. This conference has dozens of instructors ready to share their knowledge and love of writing — regardless of your writing level.
“I’m an experienced and published author. Why should I attend?”
If you are experienced, you know we have to keep learning to stay on top of the publishing world.
“I don’t want to attend a virtual conference and just watch people talking. I like the personal contact and interaction at in-person conferences.”
Liz is one of my favorite authors. I’m looking forward to hearing what she has to say.Glen Eyrie is where I attended the Write in the Springs Conference. It’s a wonderful place to rest and write.I’ve heard Tim speak many times. He has not only great information but lots of surprises.
I agree. Nothing can beat the hugs of being able to sit and talk to the faculty and new and old friends. There are a lot of reasons this conference had to be virtual, but it will not be people just standing and talking. All the classes will be live and interactive.
“I want to come to the conference, but I can’t get off work.”
We can help with that. If you registered for the conference, you will have access to the recordings for three months. You will miss some of the interaction, but you will be able to get the information.
I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible as I watch the screens and see you.
The Colorado Christian Writers Conference (CCWC) is coming in just a few weeks on May 11-14. That seems to be a lot of time when I look at the calendar, but I know it will be here sooner than I expect.
Plus – There is exciting news about changes in the plan for the conference.
First, CCWC and its fellow conference – Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference (GPCWC) – are joining up and will both be virtually held in May. We get two conferences for the price of one.
Second, the early bird pricing did not end on March 15th as planned. It has been extended until April 1st (no fooling around with this).
And third, for me, my granddaughter will be attending with me. She will attend the Teen’s Write program.
Come and join us at the Write His Answer conference. There is a lot more information about the conference. I’m just talking about a very small portion of the fun stuff. More information can be found at https://colorado.writehisanswer.com/
Writing for the Lord in this season blesses more people than you might imagine it does. Have you heard Him calling you to write?I decided to add this photo because it brings to my mind one of my favorite conferences in Estes Park, Colorado. May of 2019. The YMCA of the Rockies staff was very kind and helpful as we dealt with the weather. But the snow was gone before the conference ended, so everyone got home safely. Many conferees, including me, hope we will be back on the mountain for the 2023 conference.
I’m getting nervous. I have a list of so many things to do I’m afraid to put numbers on the list because I don’t want to know how many things there are. The Colorado Christian Writers Conference is less than two weeks away. I need to have everything ready to pitch two books, team-teach one class, sell my novel, my chapter book, and the new journal I’ve created, help my husband run the bookstore, and take appointments with other writers. Wow! That is a long sentence and way too many things for which to prepare.
My time to work on all the above is being interrupted by visits to my eighty-nine-year old mother who fell and broke her shoulder last week and preparations for an AWANA Awards Night this Sunday. And no, I don’t consider visiting my mother as a negative. In this context I’m just talking about an addition to my schedule that I was planning to do over the phone this week, not make the hour each way drive.
In addition to all the above, I need to remember to breathe as well as remember God is in control and He will see to it I have time to do all that is truly necessary to accomplish. I’ve realized His list of what I need in preparation for CCWC is different than mine. My list is concerned with meeting my goals and having everything perfect. His list is about my having what is needed to keep me on His path for my writing and my life while I’m there.
I know which list I need to follow – His. I just need to remember to be obedient. As a reminder, I’m putting up these two pictures of elk, one from the YMCA in Estes Park where CCWC is held.