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I’m getting nervous. I have a list of so many things to do I’m afraid to put numbers on the list because I don’t want to know how many things there are. The Colorado Christian Writers Conference is less than two weeks away. I need to
have everything ready to pitch two books, team-teach one class, sell my novel, my chapter book, and the new journal I’ve created, help my husband run the bookstore, and take appointments with other writers. Wow! That is a long sentence and way too many things for which to prepare.
My time to work on all the above is being interrupted by visits to my eighty-nine-year old mother who fell and broke her shoulder last week and preparations for an AWANA Awards Night this Sunday. And no, I don’t consider visiting my mother as a negative. In this context I’m just talking about an addition to my schedule that I was planning to do over the phone this week, not make the hour each way drive.
In addition to all the above, I need to remember to breathe as well as remember God is in control and He will see to it I have time to do all that is truly necessary to accomplish. I’ve realized His list of what I need in preparation for CCWC is different than mine. My list is concerned with meeting my goals and having everything perfect. His list is about my having what is needed to keep me on His path for my writing and my life while I’m there.
I know which list I need to follow – His. I just need to remember to be obedient. As a reminder, I’m putting up these two pictures of elk, one from the YMCA in Estes Park where CCWC is held.