Impressions from Israel
It was 2005 when Roy and I traveled to Israel for the first time. Roy had a lot of experience traveling outside the United States, but international travel was a new experience for me. We traveled with a dance group from our daughter’s church. Jennifer was a member of the Israeli Celebration Dancers.
I doubt it is unique to have some travel jitters. But I didn’t expect what happened when we landed in Tel Aviv.
As the plane touched down the passengers clapped and cheered. Was it the joy of being back on land or the joy of being in Israel? I’m still not sure.

Trouble attacked when it was time to leave the plane. I could not let go of the arms of my seat. Fear glued my hands in place. I refused to leave the plane until it returned to the United States.
I was terrified I would embarrass myself or my country. Not sure why or how, but I was sure the embarrassment was real.
Not even sure what that means.
Jennifer and her friend gently pried my fingers from the arm of the seat, while Roy reassured me. They held my hands as they guided me off the plane. Roy walked close behind us. I think he was there to support me, but it might have been to keep me from running back to my seat. We were the last to leave.
We returned to Israel three times since they helped me off the plane. All three times I felt like I was coming home.
Now, I view times of terror during new experiences as a barrier trying to prevent me from receiving a blessing.
As I write my book titled Jesus Gets Hand-Me-Downs, I find my impressions of Israel put me in touch with my characters in the story and my movement on the path to publication.