
Been thinking a lot about our garden as it’s looking more and more like spring. But there are obstacles to conquer before the garden will be planted.

First, Colorado weather. The general rule here is never plant before Mother’s Day. My husband and grandkiddos have been looking and getting seeds for a couple months. They are anxious to start planning. But Mother’s Day is still a week away. However, we also have to think about last year. We planted two weeks after Mother’s Day. The following week we had snow and a hard freeze. Most of our seeds were okay, but we had to repurchase and replant all the small vegetables, herbs, and flowers.

Second, Colorado weather. The last three weeks the plan has been to rototill the garden on the day the garden to prepare for planting. Our nine-year-old grandson wants to help and is excited about the opportunity. Although he is too young to handle a rototill on his own, he can help with supervision and Grandpa also holding the equipment. This keeps getting canceled due to rain or snow on the day each week he come to visit.

Third, Colorado weather. Each of the three grandchildren who come down each week gets a small section of the garden of their own to plant whatever they want. Their sections need to be dug up and prepared for planting since they are too small and have too many perennials to use the rototill in them. Why isn’t this getting done on the days they are down to visit? You guessed it. For the last three weeks there has been either rain or snow on the days they come.

But not to worry. Colorado weather never stays the same. Soon I’ll be able to look out my front window and see flowers and vegetables growing in the garden.