Catalogue shopping

This week, after some procrastination, I had to get my act together and figure out what to give fellow volunteers as gifts as the end of the school year approaches. Too tired to force myself to go shopping and eyes burning from looking at my computer screen, I turned to catalogues.

What frustrates me about both paper catalogues and computer shopping is I always wonder if items will be as wonderful as they look in the pictures. In some areas I have trust issues and believing advertising is one such area.

Paging through the two catalogues I have (since I obviously get so many of them), took quite a while between dozing off. Again, I faced a dilemma. With the diversity of personalities, what would be the right gift. Since I’m being lazy right now, I didn’t want to figure out different gifts for different people. In addition to the lazy factor, is the time factor. I need to get this done to be sure I will receive them in time.

I finally found a gift for which I wouldn’t have to spend too much and I thought everyone would like. Although I’d like to spend more, since I plan on giving to at least eleven other volunteers I must set limits.

I got on the computer and placed the order. Now all I need to do is watch for it to arrive and pray I don’t have to go shopping at the last minute.