I continue to work on my book, Jesus Gets Hand-Me-Downs. One of the stories, Hannah Brings a Basket, is about the basket Moses was placed in before being set afloat on the Nile River.

Today, as I walked near my home, I spotted an area where cattails grow. New thoughts about the story bounced through my mind. Now I know cattails and bullrushes are not the same plants, but they are similar. Both are used to weave mats to sit or sleep on, baskets, sandals, etc.
Bulrushes are a better choice for a basket that needs to float on water because its spongy center is designed by God for that purpose. When Jochebed wove the basket to save her son, she covered it inside and out with tar and pitch. I think the purpose was more to keep the water from seeping in than to keep the basket on top of the water.
The inspiration of the cattails and the writing and editing on the story reminded me of how close God is to me at all times. I didn’t need to travel thousands of miles to remember His presence. It is right here and right now.
This story of Moses is in Exodus 2:1-10. More information on the differences between cattails and bulrushes can be found at https://www.askdifference.com/cattail-vs-bulrush/.