The last two weeks have been difficult thanks to Covid. Last week I had so much brain fog, I was not able to put together a full, understandable sentence.
This came at a time when I felt I was making progress against three years of deepening depression due to being one of the caretakers for my mom. During this illness, I feel I’ve taken several steps backward.
So what do I do to get fully on track with my writing the things I feel God is calling me to write.
There is a whole list of things I can and will do to regain my physical, mental, and spiritual health. I want to share one major step I’m taking with my fellow writers.
This Tuesday, I’ll start leading a Bible Study based on the book “Write His Answer,” written by my friend, Marlene Bagnull.
I’ve gone through this study twice and each time I’ve grown in my faith and in my writing ability.
Now I’m studying this book again, actually leading this study for others. In my experience, teaching is one of the best ways to learn.
So I invite anyone who feels drawn to reaffirm their calling to write to join me in this study. If enough people are interested, I will create an online study. Let me know.
If you’d like to follow the study up with a writers conference to continue the teaching, I urge you to consider Colorado Christian Writers Conference and the Greater Philly Writers Conference. Check them out at
You can also purchase the Write His Answer Bible Study at the same website.
I’m looking forward to seeing you all next Friday when I get back into my regular blog routine.