Yesterday I spent the day writing and putting together a book I didn’t plan on writing. Due to some things said during the Women’s Retreat I attended on Saturday, I began to think about a journal focused on some of the things about which women in my group talked.
I have a major conference coming up in four weeks. I don’t have time for a new project. My list of things to do for the conference is so long, I don’t think I can complete it.
Despite what I have planned, the Lord has a way of making thing difficult if I don’t follow through with what He has planned. When I got up yesterday morning, no matter how hard I tried, I could not focus about anything I was planning to do until I completed the journal. Today’s picture was used for the cover.
Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, I’m announcing a new book will be posted later this week on my author’s page. I’m doing all the publishing myself, so for right now it can only be purchased from me.
I feel I’m doing things backwards because I’m still working on a way for payments to be made on this website, so for the time being, use my contact page to request a book and we will work out the payment.