It was a long month of preparation for CCWC, followed by a few days of hectic activity. And that was followed by a few days of recovering from exhaustion. Since I have chosen to be part of the team of volunteers who help with the conference, my husband, Roy and I arrived at Ruesch Auditorium at the YMCA camp in Estes Park on Tuesday. We helped set up the bookstore and print what was needed
Elevator pitch
Category: To Write Tuesday
Today, like many times before, I was asked what an author should include in his or her one-minute pitch. As usual, what they wanted was write their pitch for them which I will not do. Below is my answer: Imagine you get on an elevator (not the high-speed kind) in the lobby of a hotel at the same time as a publisher who would make your book an instant best seller, pay for you to
Category: Friday Fun
Been thinking a lot about our garden as it’s looking more and more like spring. But there are obstacles to conquer before the garden will be planted. First, Colorado weather. The general rule here is never plant before Mother’s Day. My husband and grandkiddos have been looking and getting seeds for a couple months. They are anxious to start planning. But Mother’s Day is still a week away. However, we also have to think about
I’m getting nervous. I have a list of so many things to do I’m afraid to put numbers on the list because I don’t want to know how many things there are. The Colorado Christian Writers Conference is less than two weeks away. I need to have everything ready to pitch two books, team-teach one class, sell my novel, my chapter book, and the new journal I’ve created, help my husband run the bookstore, and
It’s Spring
Category: Friday Fun
This Friday blog was designed for whatever is exciting me at the moment I write the blog. It sounds trite, but right now I’m enjoying watching Spring arrive in Colorado. I love weather that isn’t boring. I love weather that keeps me exciting and wondering. One thing I love about the weather here, it’s never boring, ever. Especially in the Spring. I love waking up to frosted trees and snow on the grass. Then, the