Home from the Colorado Christian Writers Conference

It was a long month of preparation for CCWC, followed by a few days of hectic activity. And that was followed by a few days of recovering from exhaustion.

Since I have chosen to be part of the team of volunteers who help with the conference, my husband, Roy and I arrived at Ruesch Auditorium at the YMCA camp in Estes Park on Tuesday. We helped set up the bookstore and print what was needed for the faculty and conferee packets.

Wednesday through Saturday was constant interaction, movement, and taking care of problems. No matter how carefully we prepare, little things always come up during conference needing to be fixed.

With over 50% of our conferees attending for the first time, many people had questions about where things were or who to talk to or what to do next.

My time was taken by a combination of talking to other authors about my work, talking to other authors about their writing, selling books in the bookstore, helping those in need, etc. Did I have anytime to attend any classes? No, not one. Do I feel going to the conference was a waste of my time since I didn’t go to a class? No, I don’t.

I came home with CDs of the classes and keynotes I missed, so I’ll be able to get the desired knowledge. I gained a lot in the contacts I made. I received a lot of confirmation I am on the right path in the projects I’m working on. I gained a lot of knowledge about how to complete what the Lord has told me to do. I had many opportunities to bless others by helping them.

It was a great conference.

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