Write In The Springs

I’m getting ready for two writing conferences. Today I’m talking about the first one, Write in the Springs.

This conference will be Saturday, April 14th at the First Evangelical Free Church (820 N. 30th Street, Colorado Springs) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Colorado Springs Chapter of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) presents this conference. I’m looking forward to this day because I’ve been to several one-day conferences with ACFW Colorado Springs. Everyone I know goes expecting to learn, laugh, reconnect with friends, and have lots of fun.

Margie Lawson, the presenter, loves teaching writers how to make their writing strong. She not only teaches world-wide but has multi-day intensive writing cruises.

Classes during the conference day will include:

  • Deep Editing Techniques
  • Margie’s Top 20 Rhetorical Devices
  • The power of Subtext: Body Language-Dialogue Cues
  • Visceral Responses: Beyond Hammering Hearts

Now, while I’ve loved every ACFWCS Write in the Springs conference I’ve attended, I have to admit I’ve never heard Margie talk. So, I spent some time exploring her website. The classes look great. I talked to people who have taken classes from her. Those people talked and talked and talked in glowing terms about Margie. As I watch the days on the calendar march toward April 14th, I’m getting more excited for this conference. (I’m sure some editors are cringing at the picture of days marching.)

I hope many experienced and budding authors reading this blog will join all the writers at Write in the Springs. I’ll be near the registration table in the morning and be one of the workers making things run smoothly. Please stop and say “Hi.”

For more information on Write in the Springs, click here.

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